Search Results for: how choose good drug rehab

How To Choose a Good Drug Rehab

This is the question I hear most from families looking for an alcohol and drug rehab center for their loved one: How do I know alcohol

rehab without insurance
Treatment & Rehab

Options for Rehab without Insurance

Your addiction has become so unmanageable that you know if you keep going down this road, you will reach a dead end and fast. But,

How Teens Become Addicted to Drugs

How Teens Become Addicted to Drugs

Teenage years can be complex as it’s a time when young people begin figuring themselves out and exploring their identities. During this process, teenagers are

National Drug Take Back Day

National Drug Take Back Day

We don’t always use all of our prescriptions and often they lay dormant in our cabinets and drawers. This may seem harmless, and as long

Signs of Addiction and Drug Use

With the back to school bonanza already in full swing, I thought this an opportune time to educate parents on addiction’s early warning signs –